October 23, 2024
Turkish Food,Delicious Vegetarian Foods

Popular Turkish food :

If you are going to Turkey or especially Istanbul ,do not forget to eat Turkish cuisine . Turkish food is delicious and varied and mostly made with meat and fish that will delight every tourist.Turkey is considered as the third richest cuisinie after the French and Chinese gastronomy .  Istanbul is the best city for try these varied Turkish food ,where you can get to know what is the tastes of the Turkish people . Here is a list of the popular foods that should not be missed in Istanbul .


At first , it is better to know about vegetarian Turkish food for those travelers who dont eat meat

Vegetarian Turkish food :

Turkish food

Dolma :

Dolma is one of the best Turkish food that you can find in any restaurant easily. This food is very famous in any part of Middle East and its not just belong to Turkey .you can find Dolma  In all Arab countries, Iran and even India in any restaurant or homes and enjoy its unique taste. Dolma in Turkey is wrapped and cook special. For those who are a fan of this fascinating dish , Turkish dolma is one of the most beloved vegetarian dish . To make this delicious food you can fill grape leaves with rice , cotyledons and even meat and Turkish spices .

What makes the name of Dolma among vegetarians in Turkey is that in many restaurants in Turkey you can find dolma that are for vegan . dolma has also meat versions that are served hot .but vegan version in olive oil come cold and filled with rice .

Borek :

Borek is one of the most famous vegetarian  Turkish cuisine.  borek usually serves as a snack or as a part of a main meal . Small snack filled with special ingredients that finally must fried . There are several types of borek with different ingredients. Each one is suitable for different tastes.Vegetarians can also enjoy this wonderful Turkish dish . Various borek can be find in restaurants and also in street that use different non_meat ingredients to make this food .

The most popular boreks you can eat as a vegan in Turkey are eggplant borek and spinach borek . If you are not vegan , you can also enjoy cheese borek or egg borek .

Gozleme :

If you are looking for an authentic Turkish food that is perfectly suited for vegetarians ,you have to try Gozleme . This healthy ,tasty and of course meat -free meal can be eaten as a main meal or a dessert or also a snack .

Gozleme is a kind of bread that filled with spinach ,potato and Turkish spices . These ingredients should be cooked together at first . In the end you have a unique food with a special flavor that is extremely tasty . You can also use cheese with your gozleme.

You can find this vegetarian dish in any restaurant as well as on the street side in Turkey.  In any case this dish is delicious and tasty . We suggest you to eat gozleme hot and fresh .

Special Turkish food for vegan :

Coban salatasi or Shepherd’s salad :

The meaning of this salad is the Shepherd’s Salad and as its name showed us this dish was the original food of the Turkish shepherds.This simple salad is usually served at lunch and dinner ,along with meals . This salad is one of the things you should try on your trip to Turkey.

A mix of chopped tomatoes, cucumber,along with onions ,that are usually topped with dill or parsley in a dressing of olive oil ,lemon juice and salt .

In some restaurants you can find this salad along with some cheese , which is suggested to you if your vegetarian diet allows it .

Menemen :

Menemn is a Turkish omelette that is typically spicy ,runny egg dish with onions,tomatoes and green pepper . Menemen is a breakfast food that is not an uncommon sight at dinners and is the best eaten with plenty of bread . If you are in Turkey or planning to go , do not forget to eat this tasty omelette.


This is a local food that you can find less in restaurants . If you have a friend in Turkey asked to make it for you . An attractive mix of eggplant ,potatoes,and tomatoes . All these ingredients fried and then you have an ideal vegetarian meal . Shakshoka is usually eaten with bread . Local people love this food with lemon ,because they think that when it is sour ,the tastes is better .

Turkish food


Epersian Food

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